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Saturday, August 6, 2011: 46th

So you should be asking yourself 'why chris post this picture?!' , why this? Simple.
Basically its because Singapore birthday is coming in 3.... hmm sorry i mean few days time x:
yeah, i started counting down when i'll get my phone too which is 11 august. so its around 5 days time hehehehe. Brack Belli here i come!

So I think everybody should know when's national day except for me...
But seriously this is just a random thoughts and I've nothing to say about singapore,
so yeah, im meeting XieLi at lot1 11:30am tomorrow! Hurray for no-boring-sunday :D
After meeting we will be taking 985 to sebastian's house to study and slack! Hope things turn out well man.
And dear people, im so sorry for this unintresting topic or you can say ---> blog, ofcos it can be improved but currently i think all i need is tags x)
Im sincerely asking for tags ok!

Saturday, July 30, 2011: Have you ever wonder how much you mean to me?
I know i'll never get to the top but at least i tried

Hi people out there!! I don't think there is anyone viewing my blog already :(. So yes.. TAG ME